July's Thunderbirds Rockin Kids Club Member of the Month

Thunderbirds Rockin Kids Club Member of the Month 

July 2019

Every month we randomly select a member to highlight as the member of the month! We want to say 

CONGRATULATIONS to Gabriel Parker!! 

We had a little Q & A Session with Gabriel Parker 

Age: 10

Birthday: July 11th 2009

Q: Best Thunderbirds memory? 

A: I remember them scoring all those goals.

Q: What are you looking forward to for the 19-20 season?

A:  I am looking forward to watching the returning players and all the new ones this season.

Q: Best fighter on the team?

A: I think one of the best fighters was Fallis.

Q: Favorite NHL team?

A:Carolina Hurricanes are my favorite NHL team.

Q: Favorite subject in school?

A: Carolina Hurricanes are my favorite NHL team.

Q: Favorite food?

A: My favorite thing to eat is spaghetti.

Q: Favorite hobby (can’t say hockey)?

A: Swimming is my favorite hobby.

Q: Best summer memory so far?

A: My best summer memory right now is spending time at SeaWorld at night and going to Disney and Universal.

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?

A: I want to work in construction and build houses when I grow up.

Q: Favorite book?

A: My favorite book is Harry Potter.

Thanks for being a member of the Thunderbirds Rockin Kids Club Gabriel!! We hope you had a great birthday this month. 

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 Rockin Jump Kids Club